The Music411

Dailin' up the 411 of music.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Mew "Introducing The Palace Players"

This Danish trio is the perfect launch for this experiment. Quirky, unique, progressive and poppy are all words that could be used to describe Mew. Angelic, gorgeous and peculiar great descriptors for singer Jonas Bjorre's voice. This song is a perfect example of what they do exceptionally well. A funky rhythm consisting of a syncopated drum pattern and jangly guitars starts the tune off before it settles down. Mew's idea of settlig down is no basic 4/4 rhythm though and just as it gets more accessible Jonas' shrill voice takes off. To further fill out the song lush keyboards are heavily laden throughout. Sade meets Yes? Heaven's house band? Their technical proficiency but light pop sensibility is a joyful listen to start my day. Lyrically it appears to be a sad song about a broken relationship. While this is no new concept i'll give them points for masking it behind such beautiful execution.
Rating - 5 stars


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